Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

ulna (par)

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Top level systema skeletale Short Extended
Level 2 ossa membri superioris (par) Short Extended
Current level ulna (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
23466 980 tax
ulna (par)
ulna (pair)
39795 981 tax
olecranon (par)
olecranon (pair)
23616 982 tax
processus coronoideus ulnae (par)
coronoid process of ulna (pair)
23617 983 tax
tuberositas ulnae (par)
tuberosity of ulna (pair)
23618 984 tax
incisura radialis ulnae (par)
radial notch of ulna (pair)
23619 985 tax
incisura trochlearis ulnae (par)
trochlear notch of ulna (pair)
17375 tax
tuberculum sublime (par)
sublime tubercle (pair)
33760 986 tax
corpus ulnae (par)
shaft of ulna (pair); body of ulna (pair)
75164 987 tax
facies anterior corporis ulnae (par)
anterior surface of shaft of ulna (pair)
75165 988 tax
facies posterior corporis ulnae (par)
posterior surface of shaft of ulna (pair)
75166 989 tax
facies medialis corporis ulnae (par)
medial surface of shaft of ulna (pair)
39685 990 tax
margo interosseus corporis ulnae (par)
interosseous border of shaft of ulna (pair)
17377 tax
tuberositas interossea ulnae (par)
interosseous tuberosity of ulna (pair)
75084 991 tax
margo anterior corporis ulnae (par)
anterior border of shaft of ulna (pair)
75085 992 tax
margo posterior corporis ulnae (par)
posterior border of shaft of ulna (pair)
75086 993 tax
crista musculi supinatoris (par)
supinator crest (pair)
33751 994 tax
caput ulnae (par)
head of ulna (pair)
75087 995 tax
circumferentia articularis capitis ulnae (par)
articular circumference of head of ulna (pair)
23628 996 tax
processus styloideus ulnae (par)
ulnar styloid process (pair)
19 lines
100.0 %
84.2 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 980
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 56
Number of children 56 (validated)
Proper units 19
Number of units 19 (validated)
Signature 5281 (validated since 9.10.2024)
Date: 13.10.2024